Friday, August 29, 2014

Comparing strings


Thursday, August 28, 2014

checking for a field in struct matlab

To check if stuct S has a field called 'fieldName', use:

isfield(S, 'fieldname')

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Changes to run BING (objectness)

General changes to run on our servers:
-- In the objectness folder: change line 15:
set(OPENMP_FLAG "-fopenmp -std=c++11 -ftree-vectorize")
set(OPENMP_FLAG "-fopenmp -std=c++0x -ftree-vectorize")
--Put absolute path to the dataset as opposed to relativepath in Main.cpp

Specific changes to make it compaible with ImageNet:
in Objectness/CmFile.cpp line number: added these lines:
415                                     if (line.find (' ') != string::npos)
416                                     {
417                                       int position = line.find (' ');
418                                       strs.push_back(line.substr(0,position));
419                                     }
420                                       else
421                                       strs.push_back(line);

The xml annotation file had some inconsistencies for imagenet:
and many more. this cannot be done manually.!
(the coordinates cannot be 0 in matlab!)

The changes in everything above xml file issues can be ignored

Monday, August 11, 2014

deleting data from a cell in matlab

if A is a cell:
A{m,n}=[] creates an empty element in the (m,n) index
A(m,:)=[] deletes the entire m'th row, A ow has one less row 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Replacing some part of a string or remmoving a part of a string

 b=`echo $a | sed 's/<string_you_want_to_replace>//'

(you don't need to put any quotes around <string_you_want_to_replace>)