=INDIRECT("Sheet1!R" & (ROW()-1)*3+1 & "C1", FALSE)
Say you have a long oclumn of data. You want to split it into 3 columns such that, every third element goes into each column. for example youd data is: AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFFGGGHHH
you want to split into 3 columns : ABCDEFGH, ABCDEFGH, ABCDEFGH. use the above formula
Say you have a long oclumn of data. You want to split it into 3 columns such that, every third element goes into each column. for example youd data is: AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFFGGGHHH
you want to split into 3 columns : ABCDEFGH, ABCDEFGH, ABCDEFGH. use the above formula
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